Grid Style Sheets for Constraint-based Layouts

iOS-like Auto Layout applied to browser displays. Based on the same constraint algorithm.

CSS manages features like color and font selection quite well. But there’s an important fault at the core of CSS that rears its head when designing the actual layout of pages. Despite its declarative syntax it merely describes how a page will fit together, almost in an imperative way. An element will have so many pixels of padding, be a certain width, be floated right – but this doesn’t say anything about where it fits in relation to its neighbours and the page as a whole. It certainly doesn’t account for where it should be displayed on different sized screens, as this requires multiple definitions for a selector with media queries controlling the breakpoints.

Fortunately, there’s a better way. The solution is nothing short of the drastic solution of bypassing the entire browser layout engine, and replacing it with one that doesn’t suck. This way, we get to define what we want the layout to be, not how the layout should be constructed…

The solution is a JS library Grid Style Sheets, and it’s available right now for use in today’s browsers. It’s an implementation of the Cassowary constraint solver algorithm – the very same one used by Apple in its recent Auto Layout tooling – and it feels like something from the future. Note that this has nothing to do with traditional Layout Grids as used by designers, and available in CSS form – The Grid is the startup who has created GSS.


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