Top 20 Secrets of Coda 2

Great collection of tips for using Coda 2.

  1. Open A New File in a Split
  2. Use the Golden HTML + CSS + Live Preview Setup
  3. Explore the Preferences
  4. Create Site Groups
  5. Use Text Tabs
  6. Hide or Show Specific File Types
  7. Preview in a Simulated iPhone/iPad
  8. Access the Code Navigator in the Path Bar
  9. Add Custom Bookmarks to the Navigator
  10. Quickly Jump to Line
  11. Discover the Books
  12. Browse CSS Styles Inline
  13. Preview in a New Window
  14. Quickly Wrap Text in a Tag
  15. Blockedit Multiple Lines at Once
  16. Use Quick Open
  17. Discover the Text Processing Menu
  18. Drag Your Favorite Folders to Places
  19. Quickly Jump to CSS in Preview
  20. Bonus Tip: Customize Keyboard Shortcuts



Green Sock Animation Platform (GSAP)

What is GSAP? Think of GSAP as the Swiss Army Knife of animation…but better. It animates anything JavaScript can touch (CSS properties, canvas library objects, SVG, generic objects, whatever) and it solves lots of browser inconsistencies, all with blazing speed (up to 20x faster than jQuery). See the “Why GSAP?” article for details. Other libraries like jQuery, Velocity, Transit, and Zepto only tween CSS properties. Plus, their sequencing abilities and runtime controls pale by comparison. Simply put, GSAP is the most flexible high-performance animation library on the planet, which is probably why Google recommends it for JS-based animations. And unlike monolithic frameworks like or Angular that dictate how you structure your apps, GSAP simply owns the animation layer; sprinkle it wherever you want. The GreenSock Animation Platform includes:

  • TweenLite: the core of the engine which handles animating just about any property of any object. It is relatively lightweight yet full-featured and can be expanded using optional plugins (like CSSPlugin for animating DOM element styles in the browser, or ScrollToPlugin scrolling to a specific location on a page or div, etc.)
  • TweenMax: TweenLite’s beefy big brother; it does everything TweenLite can do plus non-essentials like repeat, yoyo, repeatDelay, etc. It includes many common plugins too like CSSPlugin so that you don’t need to load as many files. The focus is on being full-featured rather than lightweight.
  • TimelineLite: a powerful, lightweight sequencing tool that acts like a container for tweens, making it simple to control them as a whole and precisely manage their timing in relation to each other. You can even nest timelines inside other timelines as deeply as you want. This allows you to modularize your animation workflow easily.
  • TimelineMax: extends TimelineLite, offering exactly the same functionality plus useful (but non-essential) features like repeat, repeatDelay, yoyo, currentLabel(), and many more. Again, just like TweenMax does for TweenLite, TimelineMax aims to be the ultimate full-featured tool rather than lightweight.
  • Extras like easing tools, plugins, utilities like Draggable, and more


Tuts+: How We’re Using Modules to Organize Our Front-End Code

…[W]e adopted an approach to CSS based on the BEM methodology. Instead of defining styles which apply globally, all styles are siloed into self-contained “blocks” by way of a naming convention. A “block” is defined, more or less, as a single free-standing unit of content that is potentially reusable (although it’s not mandatory that it actually be reused).

For example, let’s take a look at the “featured-sections” block:

Tuts Featured Sections Block

According to our naming convention, this block has a root div element with the class name featured-sections. It contains elements with class names such as featured-sections__title and featured-sections__section-link.

We’re using a matching naming convention for our source code, as such all the styles for this featured-section block are stored in modules/featured_section.sass:

This naming convention ensures that styles no longer conflict and intermingle. As long as our naming convention is followed, with the block name at the start of each class name, it’s impossible for a style to affect something outside of its own block.

It also makes it super easy to work out where to look in the codebase for the styles corresponding to an element. You can simply look at the element’s class name, and you’ll know the name of the stylesheet to open.


Advanced SVG, CSS, JavaScript Techniques – Smashing Magazine Newsletter

It’s quite remarkable how far we’ve come in front-end over the past few years. What seemed to be quite difficult in the past, can now be solved so easily today (think about responsive image maps, for example). Every other day, there are new techniques that come up — shared and explained publicly — and that is amazing.

Advanced SVG, CSS, JavaScript Techniques

So what about Masking SVG animations using clip-path? Or perhaps using background-clip for transparent borders? Or perhaps cross-browser custom-styled select menuscreating CSS hexagons with transform and calc()using smart radio buttons? Just a few techniques for your toolbox to have nice, scalable, and fast solutions ready for your next project. Handy! (vf)