Styling And Animating SVGs With CSS

CSS can be used to style and animate scalable vector graphics, much like it is used to style and animate HTML elements.

  • SVG graphics are scalable and resolution-independent. They look great everywhere, from high-resolution “Retina” screens to printed media.
  • SVGs have very good browser support. Fallbacks for non-supporting browsers are easy to implement, too, as we’ll see later in the article.
  • Because SVGs are basically text, they can be Gzip’d, making the files smaller that their bitmap counterparts (JPEG and PNG).
  • SVGs are interactive and styleable with CSS and JavaScript.
  • SVG comes with built-in graphics effects such as clipping and masking operations, background blend modes, and filters. This is basically the equivalent of having Photoshop photo-editing capabilities right in the browser.
  • SVGs are accessible. In one sense, they have a very accessible DOM API, which makes them a perfect tool for infographics and data visualizations and which gives them an advantage over HTML5 Canvas because the content of the latter is not accessible. In another sense, you can inspect each and every element in an SVG using your favorite browser’s developer tools, just like you can inspect HTML elements. And SVGs are accessible to screen readers if you make them so. We’ll go over accessibility a little more in the last section of this article.
  • Several tools are available for creating, editing and optimizing SVGs. And other tools make it easier to work with SVGs and save a lot of time in our workflows. We’ll go over some of these tools next.


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